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Help the Missions Fund

There is an appeal by the General Treasurer to help the funding of Missions Support for trevor Leggot with AIM and for the Missions General Fund. This is what appears in this month's Banner:

The main area of need is Missionary Support (TI Leggott AIM) which is currently overdrawn $25,836. Payment of annual Synod donations to missions etc. have not yet been made. This will result in the net balance of Missions (General/TIL AIM) funds being overdrawn $710 as at 30/9/16. Increased financial support for Rev TI Leggott is needed.

"Let your works of charity to men be accompanied with prayer and thanksgiving unto God. Render thanks unto God, that he has put you among the givers, and not among the receivers, it being a more blessed thing to give than to receive ."

Thomas Gouge.

Please consider giving directly to this need in your Congregations, or you can donate to the General Missions Fund to help the overall cause right here on the website. Just go to the Donations page and you can send funds via driect debit or instantly via Paypal.

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