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Centenary of Hastings River Church Building
David Kerridge
Church Life
THE HASTINGS RIVER CONGREGATION OF THE PCEA INVITES YOU TO ATTEND THE CENTENARY OF THE DAVIS MEMORIAL CHURCH IN WAUCHOPE OPENED ON 29th AUGUST 1918. The celebration is to be held at 41 Campbell Street, Wauchope on Saturday 1st September 2018 at 1pm followed by afternoon tea. A booklet of about 12 pages is planned to be avai
Contribute to the Joy of Leadership
Andres Miranda
Church Life
Hebrews 13 outlines the type of behaviours expected in the worshipping community. The first is the expression of mutual love. The second is the behaviour of the congregation toward the leaders of the local church. In this short article, I want to underline the importance of this second relationship. The writers says: Obey your leaders and submit to
PCEA Synod 2018
David Kerridge
Church Life
The annual Synod of the PCEA is about to take place, hosted by the Manning Congregation from the 1st to 3rd of May. We are set to discuss many important issues, meet with like-minded brethren from sister denominations and hear about the wider mission of the Lord's church. We hope taht the time will be used wisely to build up Christ's church in our
Carrum Downs' New Church Building Opens
Church Life
[From All Nations Congregation newsletter] This is a special week in the life this congregation. On Saturday, 21st at 2.30 pm you are warmly invited to attend the opening of the new church building at 8 William Rd. A short service of thanksgiving will be followed by afternoon tea.We give thanks to God for the provision of a place of worship and aft
A New Face
David Kerridge
Church Life
You can't help but notice if you've come this far that the website has changed. At the moment there are only a few cosmetic differences, but we hope to adapt and streamline various areas of the site in coming days. Don't be alarmed though, most of the content will still be available for you to read and enjoy, and the PCEA Community is still running
PCEA Youth Camp 2017
David Kerridge
Church Life
Our Expert Tent Pitchers can help! We are now just two weeks away from the PCEA Youth Camp, 2017. Bookings are already coming in and we should have a good group, plus possible day visitors attending as well. We ask that everyone in their congregations make this Camp a matter for prayer - that it would be a blessing to those attending and a tim
Family Camp 2017
David Kerridge
Church Life
Family Camp 2017 was a great blessing to all who were able to attend. Rev. Graeme Hart from McKinnon Reformed Presbyterian Church spoke on the topics of Creation, Gender, Marriage and Covenant (The Rainbow) from Genesis chapters 1 and 2 and 9. This was a timely subject and a great help to us all as we begin to face pressures on these fundamental is
Help the Missions Fund
David Kerridge
Church Life
There is an appeal by the General Treasurer to help the funding of Missions Support for trevor Leggot with AIM and for the Missions General Fund. This is what appears in this month's Banner: The main area of need is Missionary Support (TI Leggott AIM) which is currently overdrawn $25,836. Payment of annual Synod donations to missions etc. have not
End of the Australian Tour
David Kerridge
Church Life
From just prior to Synod 2015 we have enjoyed the company of Rev. Samit Mishra and Mr Pradeep Kumar from the PFC-CI, who visited just about every congregation. We have been blessed with having a detailed presentation on the work in India with which the PCEA has had long-esablished ties. We pray that the Lord will continue to bless the labours
Synod is over, Mou faka‘au ā ē (Goodbye)
David Kerridge
Church Life
Our Annual Synod has finished for 2015. Thanks be to God, we had a wonderful time due to the warm hospitality of the Congregation and the catering that provided us with a more than elegant sufficiency at every meal. All the congregation was involved in the work, but Tom Reeve deserves special mention as the organiser, as do the Tongan brothers and