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What is Our Future?

What is Our Future


The PCEA has strong foundations in the Word of God and the Reformed doctrines. Close adherence to the Scriptures and the Westminster Confession, along with clear teaching on the form of worship, has preserved it from many false doctrines and worship practices which have undermined the witness of other churches. Anyone attending the PCEA for any length of time will testify to the solid Biblical teaching and adherence to Biblical principles in worship.

However we do not believe our heritage is to be preserved simply as a ‘museum piece’, but rather is to be proclaimed as of vital importance. It is a living heritage which bears witness to the unchanging truth of the Bible and maintains the faith once delivered unto the saints. ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever’ (Hebrews 13:8). Our nation is in great need of hearing the gospel again, but it must be the true gospel not one that is watered down and sweetened to please men. A gospel emptied of Christ is powerless to save.

We welcome all who come in search of the truth as revealed in the Bible. We say ‘here is a Church where Christ is honoured, where you can grow in grace and holiness, where you can glorify God and where there is the desire to reach the lost. It has no grandiose programmes nor exciting entertainment to offer, but it guarantees to teach and preach God’s word, to offer simple reverent worship, and to pray and care for you and your family’. As the apostle Paul wrote – ‘I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase’ (1 Corinthians 3:6). ‘We pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest ‘(Matthew 9:38).


The PCEA has been very active in sending workers to various harvest fields over the years. They have gone to South Africa, to India, to Peru and to Fiji. All these centres are now staffed by nationals, but the PCEA continues to support them in prayer and giving, and occasional visits. Many in the Church use the monthly ‘mission prayer notes’ to pray for the ongoing ministry in these lands and others places. More recently the PCEA has commissioned workers to serve with Australian Indigenous Ministries. Church members are also involved with supporting Christian Witness to Israel and other interdenominational missions.


The PCEA has always sought to train up the young people in the Church through Sunday Schools, Youth Fellowships and other youth ministries. Vacation Bible Schools are conducted to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to children outside the Church. Children are encouraged to do ‘Search Work’, write essays and contribute articles. Congregations work together to conduct Youth or Family Camps at different centres. 

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