As part of a collaboration between the PCEA Brisbane congregation and the Christian singing group called Lucem Vitae (Light and Life), around 12 singers are putting on a beautiful little concert of psalms this Saturday at 7:00pm at the church (Entry by donation). We will be singing some of our favourite psalms and tunes in an effort to bring glory ...
Members from our three congregations gathered together on Saturday, 30 September in Maclean for our second annual Psalmody Day. After John Forbes began the day with a brief devotional, Julie Schmidt and Sonya Hamilton helped us learn the parts for two tunes. After a time of lunch and fellowship we learned two more tunes, followed by an opportunity ...
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Julie Schmidt from our Brisbane congregation has been hard at work, along with others, to set up a YouTube page with Psalms set to various tunes. Please have a look at the page, have a listen and then subscribe, like, ring the bell, etc to help encourage Julie in this wonderful work.
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