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Articles about life within the PCEA.

Synod is over, Mou faka‘au ā ē (Goodbye)

Our Annual Synod has finished for 2015. Thanks be to God, we had a wonderful time due to the warm hospitality of the Congregation and the catering that provided us with a more than elegant sufficiency at every meal. All the congregation was involved in the work, but Tom Reeve deserves special mention as the organiser, as do the Tongan brothers and sisters who helped make this very special.  A report will soon appear in the Banner, DV, and some photos here and there. For those who want more detail, the Synod Minutes should also be available on the site soon. 

Once again, many thanks to those who made this year's Synod a wonderful time of blessing.

Mālō e ‘ofa (Thanks for your kindness)

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Central Presbytery Psalmody Conference

Artist Name -

Each year, generally three times a year, in Cardiff, Newcastle a number of people gather to practice some of the Psalm tunes that we sing regularly in our churches, as well as learn new ones. This year we hope to gather again on Saturday 9th May at 11am in the Cardiff church hall to sing Psalms and enjoy fellowship together in Christ Jesus. You are welcome to come along and listen to the singing, or even join in.  


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Annual Synod

Our Annual Synod is coming around again in the first week of May (5th to 7th May). It will be a time for delegates from all the congregations to get together to discuss and deliberate on matters concerning the life of the church and the organisation and running of the denomination. This year's Synod will be held in our Mt Druitt (Sydney West) church building. Anyone is welcome to come and sit in on the open sessions of the Synod. You are particularly welcome to come along and hear speakers on our Mission night, Wednesday, 7:00pm. We look forward to hearing news from visitors from India on the work there.

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A picture speaks a thousand words, but a video...

Andrew Bajema has complied a great video of Family Camp this year, including interviews with those who were there. If this doesn't make you want to be at the next Family Camp, God-willing, then what will? 


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Some parting shots... of Family Camp

Photos courtesy of Andrew and Sjirk Bajema

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Family Camp 2015 Gallery


Some photos from this year's Family Camp. The talks were challenging and the fellowship was encouraging. A great start to the year! The report on the camp by Anna Ward is now available in this month's Banner.

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Moderator's Musings

William McIntyre

Yesterday was our denomination's birthday (PCEA born 10th October,1846). It would be good to pray for renewal of the vision of our founders - men like William McIntyre (pictured here) and James Forbes.  Perhaps we should think in terms of an Annual Missions-giving Day to pull us together in reaching out.

Here are some other points for prayer:

  • Please also remember Trevor Leggott and AIM in your prayers as Trevor has to deal with distressing and delicate issues with AIM that transpired many years before our involvement.
  • Please pray for Denver Boehret who does not have a regular church engagement for next year, but plans to continue developing ministry gifts under Knox Session in 2015, and is looking for suitable employment.
  • The Sudanese work under Rev Tut is now in its 10th year. We long to see greater commitment spiritually and financially, although we are very mindful of the demands on the people from their loved ones in desperate situations in South Sudan.
  • At the Narre Warren church on Saturday morning, 25 October, Sjirk Bajema will lead a workshop on the conduct of worship and the preparation and delivery of sermons. Folk from other churches are invited, and the hope is that the workshop, which will include contributions from other PCEA ministers, will benefit men who may be called on to preach occasionally or who are interested in ministry, and of course to help men and women to appreciate what is involved.
  • Geelong and Northern Rivers charges are vacant. Geelong is getting supply from various men on a roster but is not in a position to call a minister yet. I understand Northern Rivers has residential supply at present from a retired FCS minister.
  • The potential church site at 8 William Road, Carrum Downs (Victoria) is due to be settled, funded by Knox. Several donations have been received but provision of a modest building depends on further gifts. Here is an opportunity to provide a Gospel witness and outreach is a growing area with little in the way of any Christian witness. Gifts can be made direct to the PCEA Bank account. Please contact Interim Moderator, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details.

Above all, we and our nation need an outpouring of God's Spirit to change our present situation and bring new life.


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Apply Now for Family Camp

Application forms are now available to download for the PCEA Family Camp, 30 December, 2014 to 2nd January, 2015. Follow the link, download the form, fill it in and return it to the Camp organisers. You can check out the campsite on a video from a previous post - Elanora Conference Centre.  Please note that the picture on the home page (shown above) is not intended to be an indication of what is going to happen at the camp, rather a pictorial representation of the events and imagery found in the book of Isaiah. 


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Luxury Foot-Washings

It's not exactly mortification of the flesh, but the ladies in the Ulverstone Church apparently enjoyed a great time of fellowship and pampering at a recent special event. (It is good to enjoy the blessings that we have from the Lord, by the way). Find out about the Ladies' Pampering Day in the latest edtion of The Presbyterian Banner .

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Elanora Conference Centre

The PCEA Camp will be hosted at Elanora Conference Centre. Have a peek at this short video to see what the place is like. You can also go to their website for more details on the venue, as well as maps and a photo gallery. It looks wonderfully comfortable. 

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Biennial PCEA Camp

The PCEA Church-wide camp is on again. It is to take place at the Elanora Heights Conference Centre, Elanora Heights in Sydney, Tuesday 30th December, 2014 to Friday 2nd January, 2015. The latest issue of The Banner has some details. We hope that you will pencil this in - no, scribe it with a pen of iron - into your diaries. The Camps are wonderful times of fellowship and edification, growing in God's word. Application forms and more details will follow soon. Come and spend New Years Day with your brothers and sisters in Christ!

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Synod Snapshots

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